Reading & Writing The Music In/Around Don Quixote

“Don Quixote found a vihuela in his room, and he checked the tuning, opened the grate, 
and heard that people were walking in the garden; and running his fingers across the frets of the vihuela 
and fine-tuning it the best he knew how, he spat, cleared his throat, 
and then with a voice that was somewhat hoarse, 
but in tune, he sang the ballade
he himself had composed 
that day”.

Çiğdem y Mirol and Servaas Verbergt co-create a Bookperformance event which is based on their research about the music in and around Don Quixote (Book 1 / 1605 & Book 2 / 1615) from Cervantes. They together focus on Don Quixote’s narrative dynamics which uncovers the literary and historical references to music in the story. Their intention is to perform this earnest attention to music that is put into words with timeless diligence and humor.

The outcome of this research will be shared with the audience as part of their performance that includes the intertwined acts of  reading passages from the book, playing the music inspired by Don Quixote’s acts and character, and synesthestic writing/painting all that is chosen to be read and/or played. 

Artist Researchers:

Çiğdem y Mirol/@bookperformance
Writer, painter, performance artist
PhD researcher in literary studies, arts and philosophy, UGENT

Servaas Verbergt;
Guitarist, artist, researcher in music theory and history 
Graduate from Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel

Guest Readers:
Nomi Van Vaerenbergh
Ronan Le Lostec

Spanish, Dutch, English, French

Time & Space: 
Instituto Cervantes de Bruselas 
22nd June 2024 
Open Day 
Invitation will be published soon. 

©2024, Bookperformance