MyFace Book

MyFace Book (2014) is the first Bookperformance as a textual body. It is the first piece of Çiğdem y Mirol QUARTET that is made up of 4 texts in this genre. As its name suggests, MyFace Book invites readers to do some critical-creative thinking about the impacts of social media on the printed book. MyFace Book’s performance on page starts with an opening scene comprises a letter sent by the beloved author to the beloved reader(s) asking them Shall We Reinvent Love?”  It goes through a series of scenes called  “The Lost Author”, “The Empty Notebook”  and “The White Pencil”, all of which together compose the scene “All of Myself” that urges the reader act on the performance of the book. And its closing scene, called the Bookperformance Manifesto  (11.11.11), introduces bookperformance not only as a worldview but as an artistic and literary expression in 7 items. Unlike its Turkish version (2012) MyFace Book (2014) was self-published mainly to enable the academic research around the international reception of Bookperformance in practice. It was set for a performance 12 years to find its editor: 2014-2026. Once this time period has elapsed, MyFace Book is to be fine-tuned in its transparency and re-published together with the other 3 pieces of the QUARTET. All the pieces together tell a unique artistic authorship performance which naturally integrates into the history and future of authorship.