Çiğdem y Mirol started doing Bookperformance events with the publication of the first textual Bookperformance MyFace Book (2012/TR, 2014/ EN). Bookperformance events are multilingual, reaching out people in their own languages as well when the performance takes place in their country. There are 3 kinds of intertwined performances of the book. Depending on by whom the co-creation is initiated or towards whom and what purpose it is oriented, it is shared as follows: Author – Reader Performance , Body & Sound of I & Eye (U): Bookperformance , Reader – Author Performance  Below is the list of past happenings. You are welcome to visit @bookperformance which serves as a developing archive for their available audio-visual and textual documentation. Collectively co/created texts or artworks while they are documented in a book of these performances as a reverence to trees, if/when they are sold the revenues are all allocated for planting trees as a reverence to books.