Cy Mirol began organizing Bookperformance events with the publication of the first textual Bookperformance, MyFace Book (2012/TR, 2014/EN). These events are multilingual, engaging audiences in their own languages when performed in their countries. There are three intertwined forms of performance associated with the book. Depending on who initiates the co-creation and the intended purpose, these performances are categorized as follows: Author – Reader Performance , Body & Sound of I & Eye (U): Bookperformance , Reader – Author Performance. Below is a list of past events. You are invited to visit @bookperformance, which serves as a developing digital archive for available audiovisual and textual documentation. Collectively co-created texts and artworks are also documented in a book of these performances as a tribute to trees; if sold, all proceeds are allocated for planting trees as a tribute to books.