Çiğdem y Mirol draws/paints music and what radiates behind them as resonance. The visual language she has created accompanies all the other alphabets that she knows and is learning. Her art on paper and on canvas have featured in some collective exhibitions at some festivals and were exhibited in the context of her bookperformance events between 2011 and 2021. In 2021, her paintings of Gymnopédies were featured as part of BILY Art Walk that focused on young female artists from Belgium. This was followed by the exhibitions on the following musical pieces: Hallelujah, A Love Supreme, Liebesträume, Bolero. Çiğdem not only creates in total solitude while listening to music, but she also does live-painting performances with/in public. Just like her books and performances inspire co-creation, these live-painting events also invite others to become part of the artwork which is later authenticated by Çiğdem. Below is the list of the exhibitions since 2021. You are welcome to visit @bookperformance which serves as a developing archive for available audio-visual and textual documentation of the artworks that have been exhibited. Hallelujah paintings are created each year in Autumn, if/when sold all the revenues are allocated for enchancing the lives of disadvantaged children.