Reader - Author Performance: Academic

Here are some Reader – Author Performances which carry the Bookperformance from the literary and artistic scenes to the academic scenes through dissertations, research or conferences by the author/artist -who is the first ever reader- of the Bookperformace.

«Bookperformance: A Practice Theory of Literary and Artistic Orientations and Resonance».
Ongoing PhD, research in Literary Studies &Arts & Philosophy. (Affiliated)
Gent University. Gent.

“Bookperformance: Sounds Created in Resonance”
Ongoing research at Musical Instruments Museum. (Affiliated)

”The Best of All Possible Wor-l-ds: Bookperformance”
Recentering Form(s) in and of the Margins, 24-26 April, Brussels. 

”The Best of All Possible Wor-l-ds: Bookperformance”
ACLA, American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, 14-17 March, Montreal.

Research on Gertrude Stein’s Manuscripts.
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, 2016. 
Yale University, New Heaven. (Visiting Researcher)

“Reader – Author of Bookperformance”.
 NEMLA Annual Meeting 2014, 3-6 April. Pennsylvania.

«Gertrude Stein and the Phenomenon of Bookperformance».
ALA Annual Meeting 2013, 23-26 May, Boston.

«Bookperformance: The Power and The Possible in a Practical Theory».
International Literature Conference. Rheims University 2013, 17- 18 May, Rheims.

«Bookperformance: A Practical Theory».
ACLA Annual Meeting 2013, 4-7 April, Toronto.

«Bookperformance& Myface Book: Digital-Born Inspiration for Printed Texts».
NEMLA Annual Meeting 2013, 21-24 March, Boston.

«BOOKPERFORMANCE: The Best of All Possible Worlds»
RAP (International Reconfiguring Authorship Conference) 15-18 November 2012, Gent.

«Archetypal Journey, Narcissistic Book»
(Setting the Bookperformance Manifesto)
MA in Turkish Literature & Literary Theory. (Full Scholarship)
Bilkent University. 2011. Ankara.

«Uni-verse-us: In Letters, Within Sounds, At Numbers, Thorugh Colours​» 
(Formulation of the very initial toughts towards the Bookperformance)
BA Graduation Project. American Culture & Literature. (Full Scholarship)
Bilkent University. 2005. Ankara.